CLOSED Call for Entries: Sculpture Now 2019

Presented by Brentwood Arts Exchange in collaboration with the Washington Sculptors Group

Sculpture Show at Brentwood

Brentwood Arts Exchange
3901 Rhode Island Ave
Brentwood MD, 20722

DATES: January 14 - March 9, 2019

JUROR: Spencer Dormitzer

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, November 30, 2018 (midnight)

Brentwood Arts Exchange is collaborating with the Washington Sculptors Group members for an exhibition titled Sculpture Now 2019. Begun in 1987, the Sculpture Now series provides an annual snapshot of up-to-the-moment works by artists in the mid-Atlantic region and beyond. The series also includes the Tom Rooney Award of $500. Sculpture today is a rapidly evolving genre that reflects the volatile changes in global conditions. Whether conceptual, political, cultural, environmental or personal in context, the biography of the artist continues to be central to the artwork. In this spirit, Sculpture Now 2019 does not have a particular theme. It is an open and inclusive platform that invites artists to put forward their latest ideas on conceptual theory and best practices regarding materials used in sculpture. The exhibition is designed to give WSG artists free rein, to propose work to the juror, or to show work produced within the last two years. The exhibition will be installed at the Brentwood Arts Exchange main gallery in Brentwood, MD. This exhibition will take place separately, but in conjunction with the Tom Rooney Remembered Invitational exhibition at the Salve Regina Gallery and the Mullen Library on the campus of the Catholic University of America. Works by Tom Rooney and past Tom Rooney Prize winners from 2007-2019 also will be shown at CUA. Both shows – Brentwood Sculpture Now 2019 and the Tom Rooney Remembered Invitational - will honor the late Tom Rooney (1924- 2018), sculptor, educator, and WSG volunteer. During the Brentwood exhibition, the juror, Spencer Dormitzer, will award the 2019 Tom Rooney prize, and the chosen artist will show works in both the Brentwood and Salve Regina exhibition spaces.

Spencer Dormitzer, Director of Brentwood Arts Exchange, oversees the administration and development of the facility, as well as the changing annual exhibitions. Mr. Dormitzer attended The School of Art Institute of Chicago, and has been a working artist for over 25 years. He has acted as the studio manager for New York abstractionist David Reed, and as an executive producer for the New York Cosmos. Dormitzer has just concluded his tenure at Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery in Washington, DC after 3 years of service, where he managed or curated over 15 exhibitions. Spencer lives on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.

Applicants must be current or new members of the Washington Sculptors Group to submit. To become a WSG member, download a membership form from the WSG website at, and join online with your submission to the exhibition. WSG members must have paid their dues for 2019 by the entry deadline to be eligible for this exhibition. The address label on the most recent copy of the WSG newsletter, The Washington Sculptor, will show your membership status (example: MEMBER THROUGH 2019).

The exhibition will be located in the Brentwood Arts Exchange main gallery. Please note the floor plan below. Three-dimensional freestanding and wall-hung sculpture, installations, and video/film-based work are welcome, though there is limited access to electrical outlets. Brentwood Arts Exchange does have selected A/V equipment. Please inquire if selected. Individual artists as well as collaborative groups are permitted, though no individual should be included in more than one submission.

Artists are solely responsible for delivery of their accepted work on the delivery dates provided, and removal on the pick-up date. The trained staff at Brentwood Arts Exchange will install all exhibiting artwork unless there is a specific reason for artist assistance. All work accepted must remain on display for the full duration of the show. WSG and Brentwood Arts Exchange will not receive shipments of artwork.

A loading dock is not available. Work must fit through an entryway measuring 120”H x 84”L x 80”W. Some pedestals are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If the gallery does not have a pedestal to meet the needs of a selected work, it will be the artist’s responsibility to supply the pedestal. Arrangements for installation should be made in advance. Brentwood Arts Exchange staff will contact selected artists to establish details.

The juror will consider a maximum of 5 images of 5 different artworks per artist or team of artists. Proposals (for prospective works to be made), pre-existing works, and videos may be entered for the exhibition, plus supporting images of the artist’s previous works should be uploaded to (See instructions for ENTRYTHINGY below) Assistance with submissions is available by email request. Email to:

If your work is site or situation specific, please make it clear in your submission. We highly recommend that artists research the site and its history, and visit the gallery. The gallery is open to the public Tuesday – Saturday, 11am to 5pm. Administrative appointments are also available on Mondays.

Artists may submit up to 5 images of existing works made in the last two years or, proposals specifically for this exhibition. To be clear, please add the word SUBMISSION to the title of the images that represent the work(s) you would like to have included in the show. For past work you are submitting as part of your portfolio review, please add the word PORTFOLIO to the title. These additional portfolio images will display the artist’s ability to create what they are
proposing, or offer examples of past work that might be related to the project being considered. Submitting fewer images will not take away from your entry.

Please include the following information in your submission proposal:

1. Description of the physical aspects of the project (site, materials, positioning, etc. (not an interpretation of the work).

2. If you are proposing a new piece that is not represented in your images, please include one or more illustrations of the work in situ that will give the juror a clear idea of the project being proposed, what it will look like, and how it will be constructed and installed.

3. A project description that includes:
-background or narrative information about the project
-an explanation of how the project relates to the site
-any maintenance that will be required during the course of the exhibition
-if there is light, sound, or movement that may impact the ability of others to experience nearby artworks
-to avoid disqualification, do not include your name in either the statement or any of the description paragraphs on Entrythingy.

Please note: the project description can be a word document with text and images saved as a .pdf file. You can then upload the .pdf file as one of your 5 images on Entrythingy. Acceptable files include .jpg, .pdf, .doc, .mov. Video artists must upload one or two videos according to the specifications listed on ENTRYTHINGY. Submit all images with a resolution of 300 dpi and a maximum of 2MB each. Video files are limited to at most 50MB each (about five minutes).

Applicants should go to ENTRYTHINGY and click on "For Artists" at top.
Click on "list of current calls".
Scroll down and click on the "Sculpture Now 2019" listing.
Create a login account if you don't have one, or if you do, login with the "Click here to login" button. After logging in, select the "Sculpture Now 2019" call and complete the entry steps.
There is no entry fee for Sculpture NOW 2019. No mail or email entries will be accepted. All applicants will receive ‘accepted’ or ‘not accepted’ notifications.

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission will insure indoor artwork on-site during the dates of the exhibition. Transportation insurance is the responsibility of the artist.

The Gallery will retain a 25% sales commission on work sold during the exhibition. A price list will be available at the front desk, and Brentwood Arts Exchange will handle the sales/invoicing and payment to artists. If artwork is sold, Brentwood Arts Exchange will send a check to the artist within 30 days of the exhibition closing date. All selected artists must register as a vendor with M-NCPPC prior to the exhibition to receive proceeds from sales. Brentwood Arts Exchange staff will assist with this process. Washington Sculptors Group does not receive a commission on sales of artwork.

WSG Exhibition Team: Elsabé J Dixon (703) 470-4163
Gallery Contact: Spencer Dormitzer, Director (301) 277-2863
Natalie Fulgencio, Assistant Director:

EXHIBITION CALENDAR: Exhibition Dates: January 14 - March 9, 2019
• CFE deadline: November 30, 2018
• Works Chosen: December 10, 2018
• Artists Notified: December 15, 2018
• Artwork drop off to Brentwood Arts Exchange: Monday, January 3, 5, 6, 2019 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
• Opening reception and Tom Rooney award: Saturday January 19 (5-8pm)
• Artist and Juror Talk: February 16 (2-4pm)
• Artist pick-up dates: March 11-12, 2019 (Time to be determined)

Brentwood Arts Exchange is a proud part of the Maryland – National Capital Park and Planning Commission, and serves as an anchor for the arts-based community development of the Prince George’s County Gateway Arts District. We support artist and community development by welcoming diverse audiences to experience high quality visual art exhibitions, concerts, and affordable art classes for all ages, and a local artisans craft store.

Hours: Monday –Friday 10am to 7pm, Saturday: 10am to 4pm, Sunday: Closed
Gallery Contact: Spencer Dormitzer, Director (301) 277-2863,
Natalie Fulgencio, Assistant Director:

The Washington Sculptors Group (WSG) is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting awareness of sculpture and fostering exchanges among sculptors, sculpture enthusiasts and the public. Organized in 1984, membership has grown to almost 400; WSG sponsors frequent public programs and organizes professional sculpture exhibitions juried by prominent curators. Visit to join WSG, to view the Web Gallery of members’ work, and to subscribe to the WSG newsletter. WSG P.O. Box 42534, Washington, DC 20015, 202-686-8696,

PO Box 42534
Washington DC 20015
(202) 686-8696
Supporting Sculptors and the Arts Since 1984.

Gallery Floorplan Click to Download
Call For Entries PDF Click to Download